Media Fair Trade Holiday Campaign Wrap-up
To end 2023, the Media Fair Trade Committee launched a holiday campaign inviting residents and friends of Media to purchase Fair Trade and locally-produced goods, as well as beverages and dishes made with Fair Trade ingredients. The campaign included outreach to local congregations, schools, civic organizations, government offices and others via email and social media to encourage participation. Posters, brochures and a new 2024 Media Fair Trade Shopper’s Guide were delivered to local businesses.
To entice shoppers to record their purchases in our online survey, we raffled off 3 gift baskets assembled with donations from nearly 30 local businesses. We are deeply grateful for the generous support of local Fair Trade retailers and restaurants. Our support also extended well beyond State Street, with contributions from a local lawyer, accountant, publisher, music producers, a video production company and others. Each Fair Trade purchase earned another chance to win. Congratulations to our three winners Elizabeth Burton, Beth Beebe and Matiko Mamaladze! We are deeply grateful to all of those who took part.
Of special value for this campaign are the deeper relationships we fostered with local businesses, which we hope to build on in the new year. And remember that each Fair Trade purchase is also a gift to less fortunate producers around the world!