Hal Taussig and Media Borough Councilperson Monica Simpson at the ceremony declaring Media the First Fair Trade Town in the US.
Hal Taussig, co-owner of Untours, a unique travel business, has been a long time supporter of Fair Trade. His foundation, the Untours Foundation, has been actively supporting Fair Trade for over a decade. Hal dreamed the idea of Media being a Fair Trade town, and inspired the town to embrace it.
Media met the five criteria established by the British Fair Trade Foundation to become a Fair Trade town. The criteria include:
- Local council passes a resolution supporting Fair Trade, and agrees to serve Fair Trade products.
- A range of Fair Trade products are available locally.
- Schools, workplaces, places of worship and community organisations support Fair Trade and use Fair Trade products whenever possible.
- Media coverage and events raise awareness and understanding of Fair Trade across the community.
- A Fair Trade steering group representing different sectors is formed to co-ordinate action around the goals and develop them over the years.
Now, there are forty-five declared Fair Trade towns in the US with more in progress, and over 2,000 Fair Trade towns worldwide in over 20 countries! Click here to see where they are located!