
National Organizations:

Green America   (was co-op america)

A nonprofit consumer education organization for socially and environmentally wise purchasing and investing, located in Washington, DC, with over 100,000 individual and 4,000 business members throughout the country.

Fair Trade Federation (FTF)

An association of wholesalers, retailers, and producers in the US. FTF links low-income producers with consumer markets and educates consumers about the importance of purchasing fairly traded products.

Fair Trade Campaigns   (was Fair Trade Towns)

An exciting initiative that brings together businesses, civic and educational institutions, faith-based and community organizations, and individuals throughout the United States to grow the Fair Trade movement and achieve special recognition for communities that value Fair Trade.

Fair Trade USA (I added this one)

A non profit developer and certifier of Fair Trade products.

Fair Trade America  (I added this one)

A non profit developer and certifier of Fair Trade products. 

Fair for Life   (I added this one)

A non profit developer and certifier of Fair Trade products.

Fairtrade International(FLO)  

FLO is an umbrella organization comprised of 19 independent Fair Trade labeling and certification bodies called National Initiatives. FLO sets the international Fair Trade standards and guarantees that products sold anywhere in the world with a Fair Trade label conform to those standards.

Garstang 1st Fair Trade Town

The website of Garstang, England, the world’s first Fair Trade town, tells their own story as well as the story of Fairtrade and Garstang’s link with New Koforidua, an African Fairtrade cocoa producing community.

Global Exchange

A non profit membership-based international human rights organization dedicated to promoting social, economic, and environmental justice around the world.  

Media Farmers Market

Every Thursday from 3 to 7 and from May to November, you can find farm – fresh produce and fair and locally made products.

Media’s First Fair Trade Town Committee on Facebook

Join our Facebook group to support America’s First Fair Trade town!

Transition Town Media  

A local non profit bringing the community together to withstand the catastrophic events resulting from peak oil and climate change.

International Organizations: