by Ira | Dec 7, 2018 | News
Fair Trade Campaigns will be holding another national conference March 1st – 3rd 2019 in downtown Chicago. It will be super informative and inspiring. I can vouch for that after being at the last one in DC! Anyone, from towns, schools or places of worship...[Read More]
by Ira | Oct 29, 2018 | News
Ira Josephs from the Media Fair Trade Town Committee and Loic Barnieu, Media restaurateur extraordinaire, were lucky to attend this recent conference in the Fair Trade city of Madrid, Spain. It was super informative and inspiring to learn from Fairtraders from around...[Read More]
by Marisa Adinolfi | Sep 29, 2017 | News
Since today is National Coffee Day, we’re resharing our recent profile of Burlap and Bean. If you’re celebrating the day today, please try to make at least one of those cups Fair Trade! by Guinevere Janes You do not have to sit down and talk with Tara and...[Read More]
by Ira | Apr 25, 2017 | News
In order to be the best Fair Trade Town possible we need to keep up with changes in our Media businesses. We are getting new shops, and some close. Some are adding new fair trade products and removing others. We need lots of help keeping up with this. Please let us...[Read More]
by Marisa Adinolfi | Feb 2, 2017 | News
The next time you’re in the Plum Street Mall, make sure you check out the new sign! We’re super-proud of 11 years of being a Fair Trade town, and so honored that Media supports us. Many, many thanks to Christ Dietrich for all of his hard work and...[Read More]
by Ira | Jun 8, 2016 | News
On Friday, June 17, Media, PA will host the Media Five Mile Race in downtown Media. Our Fair Trade Committee has a team of fair trade bananas running. You can’t miss them, they are long and yellow! You can support our racers and committee by making a donation...[Read More]